The Basics
















  • Speak: Since round time is roughly a minute, this can be a sentence or two.
  • Drop Item: Maneuver to reclaim dropped items.
  • Release Held Person: Released person is free to act in an initiative slot.
  • Minor Movement: Movement much smaller than the short range band.


  • Aim: Gain a bonus on the next attack.
  • Assist: Grant a bonus to an ally's check.
  • Guarded Stance: Take penalties to melee attacks for a bonus to melee defense.
  • Interact with the Environment: Could be anything from moving objects to manipulating control panels.
  • Manage Gear: Draw, holster, or put away weapons and items, or load a weapon.
  • Mount or Dismount: Mount or dismount from a vehicle or animal.
  • Move: Move within range bands or change ranges with something else.
  • Drop Prone or Stand from Prone: Drop to the prone position or stand up.
  • Preparation: Take a maneuver to prepare something for someone else.


  • Exchange an Action for a Maneuver: Take a maneuver instead of an action.
  • Spend an Action to Activate an Ability: Some ability require spending actions without checks.
  • Activating a Force Power: Use a Force power.
  • Performing a Skill Check: Anything that requires a skill check requires an action to perform unless specifically stated otherwise.
  • Perform a Combat Check: Perform a skill check with additional rules to attack someone.


The character adds to all checks they make.


The character cannot perform maneuvers, including maneuvers purchased via strain or by spending .


The character cannot perform actions, including downgrading actions to maneuvers.

Starship & Vehicle Actions/Maneuvers

Name Pilot Only Silhouette Speed Notes
Accelerate/Decelerate Yes Any Any The pilot may increase or decrease the ship or vehicle's current speed, to a minimum of zero or a maximum of the ship's maximum speed rating.
Fly/Drive Yes Any Any Moves the ship a number of range bands according to its current speed. It is important to remember that range is based on the moving ship's perspective, and is not a measure of actual physical distance. (LOL)
  • Speed 0: The ship or vehicle is not moving and cannot use this maneuver until it accelerates.
  • Speed 1: One starship maneuver to move within close range of a target or object, or two starship maneuvers to move between close and short range bands.
  • Speed 2-4: One starship maneuver to move within close range of a target or object, or to move between close and short range bands. Two starship maneuvers to move between close and medium range bands.
  • Speed 5-6: One starship maneuver to move within close range of a target or object, or to move between close and medium range bands. Two starship maneuvers to move between close and long range bands.
Evasive Maneuvers Yes 1-4 3+ Reflects a pilot's efforts to avoid incoming fire, collision, or other calamity. Until the end of the pilot's next turn, of all checks made to attack the ship and all attack checks made from the ship.
Stay on Target Yes 1-4 3+ Reflects a pilot's concentration and ability to shut out combat-related stresses and distractions to make sure a target is hit or an adversary destroyed. Until the end of the pilot's next turn, of all checks made to attack the ship and all attack checks made from the ship.
Punch It Yes 1-4 Any Allows the ship to go immediately to its maximum speed rating from any other speed, mostly by throwing the throttles to maximum and overloading the ship or vehicle's drives. The ship or vehicle suffers 1 system strain for every point of speed between its current and maximum speed.
Angle Deflector Shields No Any Any A crewmember with access to the shield controls can reassign up to one point of Defense from one zone to another. This only works if the vessel has defense that can be reassigned, such as deflector shields.

Name Pilot Only Silhouette Speed Notes
Damage Control No Any Any An attempt to mitigate some of the stress caused to a vehicle's systems through combat or accident. Using this action, any player who makes a successful Mechanics check recovers 1 point of system strain. The difficulty is determined by the strain the ship is currently suffering. Likewise, a skilled mechanic can even repair some of the damage dealt to a vehicle during an ongoing fight, although this is much trickier. In general, PCs can only attempt to reduce hull trauma once per encounter. Critical Hits can be repaired with this check and may be attempted multiple times until the Critical Hit is repaired. It is up to the GM to determine if it makes sense that the ship can be repaired under the current conditions.
Gain the Advantage Yes 1-4 4+ This action represents the constant, frantic give-and-take of a dogfight between small craft like starfighters and patrol boats or high-speed vehicles such as airspeeders. Allows the pilot to gain the upper hand on a single opponent so that they are positioned for a better attack during the following round. Make a Piloting check, determining the difficulty using the Speed Advantage table. If the check succeeds, the pilot ignores all penalties from their own and the opponent's use of Evasive Maneuvers until the end of the following round. In addition, the pilot chooses which defense zone is hit with their attacks.
Once advantage has been gained, on the following turn, the opponent may attempt to cancel out the advantage by making the same kind of check, with the difficulty increased by 1 each time they or their opponent has successfully Gained the Advantage against the other.
Additional Starship Actions No Any Any Not a complete list, but use it as imspiration or starting point.
Combat Check with Vehicle Weapons No Any Any

Additional Starship Actions
Action Skills & Difficulty Results
Plot Course Average () Astrogation check
Hard () Perception check
The crewmember studies the terrain ahead and plots a course that should take the vehicle safetly through it. On a successful check, each reduces the suffered for difficult terrain by 1.
Copilot Average () Piloting check The crewmember serves as the vehicle's copilot, managing systems and auxillary equipment to allow the pilot to focus on flying or driving. On a successful check, each success downgrades the difficulty of the pilot's next piloting check by 1.
Jamming Average () Computers check The crewmember uses the vehicle's systems to jam the communications of enemy vehicles. On a successful check, the enemy must make an Average () Computers check to use their communications systems. The difficulty increases by 1 for each additional , and the jamming affects an additional target for each spent.
Boost Shields Hard ( ) Mechanics check The crewmember re-routes power from other systems to boost the defensive systems of a vehicle. This only works if a vehicle already has a defense rating. On a successful check, the vehicle suffers 1 system strain, and increases the defense of one defense zone by one until the beginning of their next turn. Additional increase the duration by one round per.
Manual Repairs Hard ( ) Athletics check In some cases, repairs can be as simple as a sturdy metal plate welded over a damaged system. If the GM allows and the crewmember has the proper tools for the job, they can attempt to use the Damage Control action with Athletics rather than Mechanics. If successful, they may remove one point of hull trauma from the ship, plus one additional point for each additional . Remember, this follows the limitations to Damage Control, and this may only be attempted once per encounter.
Fire Discipline Hard ( ) Leadership
or Discipline check
The crewmember forgoes fighting to analyze the opponent's tactics and direct his fellows to greater accuracy with their weapons fire. If successful, the next crewmember firing a weapon aboard the ship can add to their check. Each additional grants this to an additional crewmember. In addition, the crewmember may spend to allow every hit from shipboard weapons to inflict 1 system strain on their target as well as regular damage until the beginning of their next turn as the carefully timed shots pummel shields and overload systems.
Scan the Enemy Hard ( ) Perception check The crewmember uses the ship's scanners to study the enemy. If successful, they learn what weapons the ship has, any modifications, and the system strain and hull trauma thresholds. If they spend you can also learn their current system strain and hull trauma levels.
Slice Enemy Systems Hard ( ) Computers check The crewmember uses powerful shipboard computers to attempt to disrupt the systems of an enemy vehicle. If successful, he reduces the defense of one zone on the target vehicle for one round per . A may be spent to disable a weapon system for one round, and may be spent to inflict 1 system strain on the target vehicle.
"Spoofing" Missiles Average () Computers or
Hard ( ) Vigilance check
The crewmember tracks incoming attacks and uses vehicle systems to disrupt their tracking systems, or even times incoming missiles and drops flares and chaff at the opportune moment. If successful, any attack against the crewmember's ship or vehicle using weapons with the Guided quality upgrade their difficulty by one (plus an additional upgrade for every additional ) until the start of the crewmember's next turn.