As the race for First Senator heats up, it was revealed today by Senator Ransolm Casterfo (Centrist) that Senator Leia Organa (Populist) is the daughter of Darth Vader.
Backlash was immediate for the current front runner for First Senator as many, both Centrist and Populist, denounced Organa with some even going so far as to accuse her of trying to control the New Republic in much the same manner as the last Supreme Chancellor did with the Empire.
Rumors from inside Organa’s campaign hint to the Princess not only ending her run but resigning from the Senate as well.
More as it breaks.
This is actually a really big deal.
Baby's first bounty.
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What you were walking into was most definitely a kind of trap. Good job working around it!
I did expect you to charge in. This is a different group and it makes me proud!Not every job is going to go as smooth as Ulmatra did.
Nor should it! Everything being perfect is no fun.For excellent planning and execution.
That went so much smoother than I was expecting. Blue Squadron this ain't.Time to make some money.
You probably don't want to piss off the Hutts though...The cost for partitioning out your physical ship systems. It is also occupying 1 Hard Point.
Havlos is alive though, which is great.For using a diverse spread of skills and trying new things! Bonus XP for finishing the shuffle quickly!
That jump to lightspeed at the end of the session was fucking rad!Not everything you learn comes from deadly jungle planets and falling down a canyon.
Bookkeeping!Shaking off old habits is a good thing as you work to reconnect with the Force.
I'm glad you decided to not be a dick to that poor murder droid.You have successfully retrieved the ancient artifact and reported to the New Republic what happened to the team that found it.
Time to make some choices, the paths split here.Electronically creditied to your personal accounts.
Show your ship some love, please!Bogart came through for you but now you owe him one.
I'm sure it won't be that horrible, Jones is a decent guy.Delving into the darkness and returning is not easy.
It is also not over...Unavailable at the moment, but surviving this planet isn't easy.
Plus it is about to get MUCH more difficult.Something on this world is trying to worm its way into your mind.
Soon you will get to meet them.For being very thorough in search of information about the research team and finding an old friend.
Ram looking for a rush all the time is going to be incredible!For fighting back against the Black Sun and some pretty good roleplaying!
I am so glad we're doing this again!